Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Living in Scary Times

I remember the recession of the 1970's when houses were going vacant, people were losing their jobs left and right, long lines were at the gas station, and the president ordered the speed limit in the U.S. reduced to 55 mph to assist us in shortages due to the oil embargo. The Viet Nam war was raging, many Americans dying for a war that was designed not to be won, but to be carried on to feed the greed of oil and arms-producers. In the end, Americans forced the government to end it and the result was millions of innocent Vietnameze and Cambodians were murdered by the Viet Cong who took over. We didn't win because it was never in the plan to win - and we could of won in six months, totally overthrowing the communist regime.

A lot like today. If we pull out of Iraq, too soon, before they can stand on their own, another regime like the late Sadam Husseins will move in. Or, worse yet, the radical muslims will overtake and slaughter all those Iraqis who want a free nation. But Americans are sick of seeing young soldiers killed with no real end in sight to the war, so history will repeat itself.

If I wasn't a praying woman, I'd freak out about global warming (which I believe to be mostly hpye, though I do believe in conserving and protecting the environment in a REASONABLE way). I'd freak out about the radical Muslim world that threatens every freedom-loving individual and nation, and every religion NOT Muslim. I'd freak out about swine flu. I'd freak out about the incessant greed that now drives big business in ways unprecendented. I'd freak out about the huge national debt that Obama's bail-out economy is going to leave to oppress my children and grandchildren for decades. I'd freak out about family members that choose to live "less-than" lives or, far worse, do drugs to their own and others' destructions. I'd freak out about illegal (NOT legal) immigration that has helped erode the safety that strong borders once provided. I'd freak out over the Obama Administration which is threatening individual Constitutional rights more than any other administration in America's history.

But I'm a praying woman, I'm getting older, and I'm not afraid because I've read the Bible and I know that God and good triumphs over all wickedness and evil, and that all things hidden will be exposed - both good and bad. No one will be able to hide from the True Judge and every injustice will be exposed and vindicated in the End. I take great comfort in knowing that fact, and in experiencing the One Who Knows us Best and Loves Us Most. The One Who sustains us now, and will empower us for the present and the future, whatever that may be for those who stand for truth, reason, and loyalty to Jesus in the face of those who still hate Repentance and the God of Love Who makes a way for them.

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